WordPress Database Tables and Structure

Published: 3 Mar 2023


The table wp_commentmeta in WordPress database contains metadata for individual comments - mostly additional or optional bits of information, often created and used by plugins, that does not fit into the wp_comments table. Examples include various comment rating scores or status information. Table structure is similar to the other meta tables ( [more...]


The database table wp_comments contains information about individual comments left on posts or pages on a WordPress site. This includes comment author, content, date and time when comment was made, and other basic information about the comment. Additionally, there are optional fields such as the commenter's IP address and website [more...]


The wp_links table in the WordPress database stores information about external links that are added to the site's blogroll. It is deprecated as of WordPress 3.5 and may be removed in a future version. Columns link_id: Unique identifier for each link, used as primary key. link_url: URL of the [more...]


The wp_options table stores a WordPress website's settings and configurations, including site-wide settings such as site title, description, and URL, as well as plugin and theme specific settings, and various other configurations. Columns option_id: Auto incrementing integer ID, used as primary key. It has no other meaning. option_name: Name of [more...]


The wp_postmeta table is used to store additional information related to posts, such as custom fields or post thumbnails. It is often used by plugins or themes. Its structure is similar to the other meta tables (wp_commentmeta, wp_termmeta, wp_usermeta). Columns meta_id: Auto incrementing integer ID, used as primary key. It [more...]


The wp_posts table stores information about WordPress posts and pages, such as slug, title, author, status, or date when the post was published or modified. Additional information can be stored in wp_postmeta table. It excludes the information on categories and tags, which are in wp_term_relationships table, and on comments (other [more...]


The wp_term_relationships table is used to associate WordPress posts, pages, or any custom post type with the terms from the wp_terms and wp_term_taxonomy tables. Each row stores an object_id (post or page ID), term_taxonomy_id (identifying the term), and term_order in which the associated terms are displayed for the object. Columns [more...]


The wp_term_taxonomy table is critical for organizing WordPress content. It stores information about categories, tags, and custom taxonomies, in addition to the information stored in wp_terms table. Most importantly, it stores the taxonomy for each term (e.g. or ), as well as which term is the parent (for hierrarchical taxonomies, [more...]


The wp_postmeta table is used to store additional information about WordPress terms (categories, tags, and custom taxonomies) besides those in wp_terms and wp_term_taxonomy tables. For example, if a travel website has categories or custom taxonomies for different travel destinations, wp_termmeta table can store information such as GPS coordinates, airport codes, [more...]


The wp_terms table is used to store a WordPress website's categories, tags, and custom taxonomy terms. More details about terms are stored in wp_term_taxonomy and wp_termmeta tables. Columns term_id: This column stores the unique identifier for each term in the wp_terms table. Each term, whether it's a category, tag, or [more...]


The wp_usermeta table is used to store additional details for each user besides those stored in the wp_users table. This can include information such as user preferences, biographical information, and other custom fields, often created and/or used by plugins or themes. Each row corresponds to a single piece of [more...]


The wp_users table stores information about registered users. For each user, it contains essential data such as username (login), email, password, display name, status, and other details. Additional information can be stored in the wp_usermeta table. Columns ID: Integer user ID, which uniquely identifies each user. It is also referenced [more...]

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